One Hour of Sunshine

Episode 18 | "One Hour of Sunshine" | David Segall

Episode Summary

One Hour of Sunshine

Episode Notes

Episode #18 with our guest David Segall

Intuition of the Day: If we want peace, be kind. Now apply this to EVERYONE; yes, even people that you have challenges with. Nobody is excluded from kindness or peace, or said another way, let’s be inclusive about peace and kindness. And, with this, I am sure that we will have more peaceful communities. ~ Megan Joy Havrda

Call to Action For the Audience: Take a pledge of eating vegetarian for 30 days over the of the most impactful decisions that we can make as consumers does go around what we are eating and eliminating or reducing our meat consumption can have great impact on climate issues and how you may feel. And, visit my website,, and you’ll find links to purchase cds (for holiday gifts) and t-shirts with inspiring lyrics on them, I am happy to be sharing these with the world. ~ David Segall